Day Services
Gaining Knowledge and Skills
Ark offers an innovative approach to day services though our arts, education, occupational development, and equestrian programs as well as a variety of community wide experiences. Day Services focus on enabling individuals to maintain and improve their maximum level independence and community participation.
With an opportunity to select from over 60 different classes during each of our three semesters, individuals can experience an enormous number of environments, subject matter, and highly skilled instructors. Classes include language arts, literacy, science, math, music, dance, visual arts, and performance and technical theatre. Additionally, our Equestrian Center offers a variety of Equine Assisted learning classes and our Occupational Development Program offers classes directly related to securing and maintaining employment.
Documented outcomes include developing fine and gross motor skills, improved interpersonal communication skills, increased problem solving and decision-making skills, critical thinking and collaboration, improved perseverance and dedication to a task, and significant improvements in managing stress and decreasing the use of potentially harmful behavior. Furthermore, students develop skills and abilities that help them bolster self-expression, obtain and maintain meaningful employment, set and achieve goals, and maintain relationships with family and friends.
The ultimate goal of Ark’s Day Services is to increase independence and support people to actively participate in and contribute to their community.
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